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Electrification Project

La Nueva Providencia, Guatemala

Pedestrian Bridge

La Nueva Providencia is a village located just south of San Lucas Toliman on Lake Atitlan. Before 2008, Nueva Providencia and its 50 families had no electricity and no money to even think about getting it. Over the course of a few years, students and mentors worked together to design and implement an off-the-grid electrical system. The 24 solar panels produce enough energy every day to power 13 street lights, all community buildings (including a school, community center, 2 churches, a kitchen, and a mill), and every single home.


Our chapter implemented a number of electrical infrastructure in the community:

  • 3 lights and an outlet for each family

  • 20+ solar panels

  • 13 outdoor street lights

  • a micro-hydro turbine

  • a spring box and turbine house connected by approximately 2000' of buried/concrete-encased PVC and galvanized iron pipe

  • meters for each home for the sustainability of the project


Lighting up the dark allows residents to work/study later, feel safer when walking outside, and reduces the need for oil. Click here to read an article on our project, written by Isa Mundo, a strong advocate for the improvement of small international communities.


The bridge was built in May and June of 2012 and is located in the same village as the ongoing electrification project. Students worked side by side with WPP (Wisconsin Professional Partners) mentors and Guatemalan community members to construct the bridge. After two semesters of design and planning, it took two and a half weeks of hard work to erect the bridge.


In 2010 tropical storm Agatha hit the village of La Nueva Providencia and the vehicular bridge crossing the river was rendered unusable due to the rerouting of the river caused by the tropical storm. While for most of the year the river was passable by foot, during the rainy season it is impossible to cross the river. The men could not get to work, women could not get to the market, and middle schoolers could not get to school. There was also no access to a doctor for anyone who was sick. Because of these needs, the student chapter decided to pause work on the electrification project to design and construct a bridge allowing them to cross the river year-round.


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