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El Tesoro Water Project

water sanitization and distribution system 

El Tesoro is a community of about 324 people, and is located 1 hour north of the municipality of San Martín Jilotepeque, department of Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Since the 1990s, they have implemented multiple different methods to capture fresh water. Each have been problematic as the water arriving to households is often contaminated, leading to health problems. To purchase clean drinking water, they spend an average of Q300.00 per month. The community requests help to collect water from the sources, the conduction line, and the distribution tank, as well as connecting the jets to the houses. The proposed treatment and distribution system will supply clean water to the entire community!

El Tesoro Picture.jpg

Construction for this project is still in progress but wrapping up soon. Check back here for updates!


If you have any questions or concerns about this water distribution system, please email the project leads.

Jordan Gatsos, Abby McGill, and Claire Connelly

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