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Las Cruces Pachilip Water Project
water sanitization and distribution system 

Las Cruces Pachilip is a community of around 500 people, with a total of 116 families. It is located south of the municipality of Joyabaj, department of Quiché Guatemala. Eleven years ago the community organized to buy a water source for a drinking water system. Due to political issues, it was never fully realized and the community currently spends large amounts of time retrieving well and river water. The river used poses a health risk as it is also used as a drainage outlet. Few buy water from a local tanker truck that takes water from the same contaminated river. The community requests help to collect water from the sources, the conduction line, and the distribution tank, as well as connecting the jets to the houses. The proposed treatment and distribution system will supply clean water to the entire community!

El Tesoro Picture.jpg

The design for this water tank and distribution system is currently underway! Weekly meetings are held Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30pm in Haggerty Hall/Olin Engineering Room 499!


If you have any questions or concerns about this water distribution system or would like to get involved, please email the project leads.

Veronica Bevan, Tim Lawder, and Serena Determan

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